Memorial Singing LANCE CORPORAL TAYLOR PRAZYNSKI/MILITARY TRIBUTE In August of 2005, two of our H.O.P.E. Ministries International team members (Merrick and Becki Buffaloe) met Taylor’s dad (John Prazynski) at a hotel in Hickory, NC. John Prazynski was on his way to Camp Lejeune, on the North Carolina coast, to meet Taylor’s unit as they returned home from Iraq. “Unfortunately, Taylor is not with them,” Mr. Prazynski stated. Taylor was killed on May 9, 2005, while engaged in combat operations in Fallujah, Iraq. On Wednesday June 13, 2007, our H.O.P.E. team was able to fulfill a promise made by the Buffaloes, two years earlier, by visiting Taylor’s grave at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, DC. The following video tribute expresses our deep appreciation for Taylor’s sacrifice, as well as the sacrifice of all the incredibly brave men and women in uniform who’ve given their lives in defense of freedom. For more information please visit: www.taylorprazynski.com |